lundi 30 juillet 2007

Victory of the fisherman scarecrow !!!

Sunday 29 in the evening, we went to the presentation with my father and surprise... we have wun the first price of the competition 2007 !!!
Prices succeed one another, and we didn't expect any more to win, but we were very happy, and came back to the campsite, proudly brandishing the trophy, and sharing our joy with the participants.

We will celebrate this victory tomorrow evening, at the occasion of the barbecue party on the edge of the lake.
The trophy will sit imposingly in the reception

jeudi 26 juillet 2007

Scarecrow time

Every year we participate to the scarecrow festival in Meyrals, at the end of july.

You can have a look on the festival website here :

This year the campsite is represented by a fisherman : "Le pêcheur des Valades".

So parents have decorated the fisherman-scarecrow, and the children have made all the fishes imprisonned in its net.

See you on the 29th of july for the results of the competition !

jeudi 19 juillet 2007

Peter Pan week (3)

Third part of the Peter Pan week this morning : activities for the smallest children.

Soap bubbles


deftness games

Pirate parlour game

Even the Hook Captain was here !

Each team has been rewarded at the end of the morning.

mercredi 18 juillet 2007

Peter Pan week (2)

This morning children have finished their characters, and they could proudly posed.

mardi 17 juillet 2007

The Peter Pan week (1)

The week is punctuated by games and animation around Peter Pan.

On monday, children have watched the movie "Peter Pan" in the reception.
And today they have done the first part of the Peter Pan workshop : they have made little characters that they will paint tomorrow morning.

vendredi 13 juillet 2007

Workshop : glass painting

Yesterday morning we have organized a workshop for children : painting on glass plate.

The weather was sunny, we could install ourselves outside.

As you can see, the wokshop was adressing not only to children, but even to parents !

lundi 9 juillet 2007

New games on the lake

This year there is a new aquatic game on the lake : the spinning top !
Children hold themself with the handle all around, and the round base makes the spinning top turning on itself.

But the trampoline has been improved, too, with a toboggan-slide !

Children will endlessly have fun this summer !

samedi 7 juillet 2007

St Cyprien Bodega

Each summer, in july, you can witness Bodega evening in St Cyprien streets.

The Bodega is a Basque party (south west near Spain) organized by the rugby team of the village.

Refreshment stalls are installed in the main street of the village, but also tables and seats in order to eat.
A fanfare play lively music through the street : drums, trumpets, trombone, saxophone...

The atmosphere is very cheerful !
This fair meets more and more success from year to year, and is being multiplicated in Dordogne villages.

dimanche 1 juillet 2007

A place for children

This year we have fited up a place in the reception especially for children.

There were already some books and games, but now are there are much more because we have storage spaces.

Moreover, there is decoration, and if you lift up your eyes, you'll see chicken and differents animals^^.

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Aquitaine - Dordogne - France
camping France Dordogne camping Frankrijk Dordogne